To see all my illustration portfolio samples, visit stevensalerno.com
Every year since 1991 I budget to advertise my illustration work to art directors, designers and advertising art buyers in the various illustration industry directory books. My promotional ad page(s) can been seen in multiple directories each year. Sometimes, but not often, I will simply use an existing illustration that was created for a client, but usually I create a new image to function specifically as the self-promotional ad...
Posted here is a sketch (top) and the final ad page art (bottom) for the upcoming BLACKBOOK illustration directory which will be published and distributed to about 18,000 art directors, designers, art buyers, etc... in October 2008. The sketch was simply done in Photoshop using flat colors... the final piece was painted in gouache, scanned, then enhanced in layers in Photoshop. It was Earth Day when I created this image, so I wanted to somehow inject the image of the world... after a lot of doodling thumbnail sketches, I came up with the image of a large silhouette of a woman with the moon and stars within her shape... then it just seemed to make sense she would have a handbag in shape of the earth. The final art has subtle texture which is lost in this 72dpi version. Look for the print ad in the October BLACKBOOK.
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